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CRN SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR COURSE START BEGIN DAYS METHOD 13692 ACCT Kuder Financial Accounting 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 13710 ACCT Kuder Managerial Accounting 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 12064 ARTS Miller Art Appreciation 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 11125 GOVT STAFF Texas Government 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10521 HIST STAFF United States History II 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10514 HUMA Lack Intro to Humanities I 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 17759 MATH Guevara College Algebra 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 17765 MATH Ha Business Calculus 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 17767 MATH STAFF Mathematics for Teachers I 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10789 MUSI Mayer Music Appreciation 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 10752 PHIL Babaie Introduction to Ethics 6/5/2025 900 1200 Face to Face 13696 SPCH Perez Interpersonal Communication 6/5/2025 Fully Distance Educ Course 18509 BUSI Mackey Business Principles Fully Distance Educ Course -
CRN SUBJECT COURSE INSTRUCTOR CLASS START BEGIN END DAY METHOD 21654 ECON 2301 McGehee Principles of Macroeconomics 6/9/25 930 1210 T Hybrid Course 21657 BIOL 2401 Rossi Human Anatomy & Physiology I 6/9/25 900 1100 MTWR Face to Face 21657 BIOL 2401 Rossi Human Anatomy & Physiology I 6/9/25 1130 1330 MTWR Face to Face 21666 ENGL 1301 STAFF Composition I 6/9/25 1230 1430 MTWR Face to Face 21658 BIOL 2402 Rossi Anatomy & Physiology II 7/14/25 900 1100 MTWR Face to Face 21658 BIOL 2402 Rossi Anatomy & Physiology II 7/14/25 1130 1330 MTWR Face to Face 21668 ENGL 1302 STAFF Composition II 7/14/25 1230 1430 MTWR Face to Face 21568 HUMA 1301 STAFF Intro to Humanities I 7/14/25 1000 1200 MTWR Face to Face 21745 MATH 1314 STAFF College Algebra 7/14/25 1230 1430 MTWR Face to Face
Updated 02/17/25 – *course availability is subject to change